Multi-Camera Main Platform Calibration

Multi-camera Vision Lidar IMU Dataset

In this expansion dataset, we have extended the ground truth pointcloud of New College to include the colllege’s cloister (featured in Harry Potter films) and the Monk’s Passage. We also introduce another outdoor large scale environment, Maths Institute at the University of Oxford, which is shown in the figure below (right). Collection 1 and 2 contain datasets collected in New college, where the Park sequence mimics the original long sequence of the 2011 New College Dataset. Collection 3 contains three difficulty levels around the Maths Institute environment.

Please cite:
Multi-Camera LiDAR Inertial Extension to the Newer College Dataset
Lintong Zhang, Marco Camurri, David Wisth, Maurice Fallon
arXiv: 2112.08854
[Preprint] [PDF] [Video]


Collection 1 - New College

n name description video
1 Quad-Easy Two loops in the quad area with nominal walking speed (198s) video
2 Quad-Medium Two loops of faster walking with rotated cameras at some instance (190s) video
3 Quad-Hard Fastest walking with aggressive motions, approaching to walls, and lighting change (187s) video
4 Stairs Climb Up and down in a narrow stairway with door opening sequence and textureless surface (118s) video

Collection 2 - New College

n name description video
1 Cloister Two loops in the cloister corridor and the cloister centre quad (278s) video
2 Park long experiment of the entire park and two quads with multiple loops (1567s) video

Collection 3 - Maths Institute

n name description video
1 Maths-Easy Outdoor large scale environment with nominal walking speed (216s) video
2 Maths-Medium Faster walking with rotated cameras at some instance (176s) video
3 Maths-Hard Fastest walking with aggressive motions, textureless surface, rapid rotation and shaking (243s) video

Video sample playlist

Videos showing the all four image streams and lidar point cloud.

ROS Topics

Each file contains the following list of topics:

Topic Frequency [Hz] Description
/alphasense_driver_ros/imu 200 Alphasense IMU
/alphasense_driver_ros/cam0/compressed 30 Alphasense right front camera image
/alphasense_driver_ros/cam1/compressed 30 Alphasense left front camera image
/alphasense_driver_ros/cam3/compressed 30 Alphasense right side camera image
/alphasense_driver_ros/cam4/compressed 30 Alphasense left side camera image
/os_cloud_node/imu 100 Ouster OS-0 IMU (InvenSense ICM-20948)
/os_cloud_node/points 10 Point Cloud from Ouster OS-0
/os_node/imu_packets 100 raw Ouster IMU data (see definition here)
/os_node/lidar_packets 650 raw Ouster LIDAR data (see definition here)