
Prof. Maurice Fallon (IEEE, Senior Member) is an Associate Professor in Engineering Science and a Royal Society University Research Fellow. He leads the Dynamic Robot Systems Group. His research is focused on probabilistic methods for localization and mapping. He has also made research contributions to state estimation for legged robots and is interested in dynamic motion planning and control. Of particular concern is developing methods which are robust in the most challenging situations by leveraging sensor fusion.

Post Docs

Dr. Nived Chebrolu joined the ORI as a post-doctoral research assistant in 2021. He is working with the Dynamic Robot Systems Group on navigation and mapping tasks for field robots. During his Ph.D. at the University of Bonn, Nived worked on techniques for localization and mapping for robots in agricultural fields.

Dr. Matías Mattamala is a roboticist interested in robot perception and navigation. I’m also a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Dynamic Robot Systems Group (DRS), enabling robots to achieve autonomous surveying and monitoring missions in the wild.

PhD Students

Ethan Yifu Tao joined the ORI in 2020. Yifu’s research is focused on 3D reconstruction and its application in robotics. Specifically, he works on techniques to fuse both vision and lidar to get the best of both sensor modalities, and apply them in robotic navigation and inspection tasks. Before he joined ORI, he was an Engineering Science undergraduate also here in Oxford. His final year thesis, supervised by Prof. Philip Torr, is to build an “AI Tailor” system that predicts people’s body shape and body measurements directly from photos captured from a mobile phone.

Lintong Zhang joined the Oxford Robotics Institute in October 2020 as a DPhil student at St Anne’s College and is supervised by Dr Maurice Fallon. Lintong received a MEng degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Imperial College London. Before joining the DPhil programme, he spent several years in industry in robotic research. He worked on Dyson robotic vacuums and developed a number of key technologies such as a visual perception system and the navigation system. He also spent two years in Oxbotica, developing the planning system for decision making onboard autonomous vehicles. Lintong’s ambition is to enable robotic technologies to support our everyday lives, advancing human productivity. When not working on robots, Lintong enjoys various sports such as basketball, swimming, and skiing.

Jianeng Wang joined the Oxford Robotics Institute in October 2020 as a DPhil student with St. Edmund Hall. He is a member of the Estimation, Search, and Planning (ESP) research group focusing on state estimation. He holds a BEng in Electronic Engineering from the University of Sheffield.

Frank Fu Frank joined the ORI in 2021.

Christina Kassab joined the Oxford Robotics Institute in October 2022 as a DPhil student at St. Edmund Hall. Before joining the programme, she received an MEng degree in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London. Christina is passionate about building visual semantic mapping and navigation systems for robots embedded with vision-language models.

Joseph Rowell joined the Institute in 2022 for a DPhil in Engineering Science. He has a BEng (hons) in Biomedical Engineering at King’s College London, and an MSc in Robotics and Computation from UCL.

Jiahao Wang is a first year PhD student in ORI. He completed his MSc degree in Engineering Science in Oxford in 2023.

MSc Students and Visitors

Haedam Oh is a 4th year project student working on Lidar Place Recognition.

Leonard Freissmuth is a Master’s student from TU Munich who is working in ORI in 2023/24.


  • Dr. David Wisth (PostDoc 2023). Next: Founder, NavLive
  • Dr. Rowan Border (PostDoc 2023). Next: Uni. of Cyprus
  • Dr. Oliwier Melon (DPhil 2023). Next: Systems Engineer, Moog
  • Dr. Yiduo Wang (DPhil 2023). Next: PostDoc, Uni. of Sydney
  • Dr. Russell Buchanan (DPhil 2023). Next: PostDoc, Uni. of Edinburgh
  • Dr. Marco Camurri (PostDoc, then Senior Researcher 2022). Next: Faculty, Uni. of Bolzano
  • Dr. David Wisth (DPhil 2022). Next: PostDoc, DRS
  • Dr. Milad Ramezani (PostDoc 2021). Next: Senior Researcher, CSIRO
  • Dr. Georgi Tinchev (DPhil 2020). Next: Applied Scientist, Amazon
  • Dr. Romeo Orsolino (PostDoc 2020). Next: Engineer, Arrival
  • Dr. Christian Rauch (PhD, Edinburgh 2020). Next: PostDoc, Edinburgh
  • Dr. Raluca Scona (PhD, Edinburgh 2020). Next: PostDoc, Imperial College London
  • Dr. Simona Nobili (PhD, Edinburgh 2019). Next: Holoride
  • Dr. Adrian Penate Sanchez (PostDoc 2019). Next: Lecturer, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Alumni – Undergraduate Students

  • 2023-24: Haedam Oh
  • 2022-23: Jiahao Wang, Maria Watt
  • 2021-22: James Odwell
  • 2020-21: Christos Ioannou, Alex Proudman
  • 2019-20: Thomas Scannett
  • 2018-19: Dan Mangles
  • 2017-18: Marcelo Gennari do Nascimento, Ben Davis

2024 ICRA in Yokohama, Japan








