New or Updated Recently
- Forest Robotics (DigiForest)
- Language-EXtended Indoor SLAM (LEXIS)
- SiLVR: Large-scale Lidar-Visual NeRF Mapping
- Aerial Mapping
- Frontier Mapping Payload
- InstaLoc: Lidar Localisation through Instance Segmentation
- Legged Robot Navigation
- Exosense: Vision System For Exoskeletons
- Depth Completion
- VILENS - Tightly Fused Multi-Sensor Odometry
- Lidar Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Lidar Place Recognition
- Active Mapping
- Online Planning of Adaptive Locomotion
Collaborative Research Projects
We are also involved in the collaborative research projects with groups such as Robot Systems Lab (ETH Zurich), Stachniss Lab (Uni. of Bonn), Smart Robotics Lab (TU Munich) and Autonomous Robotics Lab (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway).
Older Collaborative Projects
Previous collaborations included Gepetto Group (LAAS Toulouse), SLMC (Uni. of Edinburgh), University of Manchester and Heriot Watt University.